Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1/2 Way

We are at 20 weeks now. I can't believe we are 1/2 way there!

Our baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom, and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. I have been feeling him move a lot more this week which is a lot of fun, I can't wait for the big kicks to my ribs!

Corey and I have been discussing names now that we can narrow the search, who knows what we will come up with-thank goodness we have another 20 weeks! We were pretty sure we were having a girl and had that name picked (we'll save it for the next one!)

Monday, November 12, 2007

Weekend Trip

Corey and I spent a long weekend in Annapolis, MD and Washington D.C. Annapolis was a nice city on the Chesapeake Bay. Corey was in meetings most of the day on Thursday, Friday and Saturday but we managed to get out and about to see the city and eat some delicious crab cakes. We randomly strolled in to an art gallery and got our inspiration for the nursery. We both knew what we did not want in a nursery but hadn't even really discussed what we did want until we saw some awesome Dr. Seuss art. We bought three pieces and it's settled. I am very happy as Corey and I tend to have different ideas on decorating, this was WAY easier than what I was gearing up for!

Saturday afternoon we drove to Washington D.C. for a quick sightseeing tour. Corey has never been to D.C. and I was there in 8th grade when I was WAY TOO COOL to appreciate most of what we saw. This was a much more productive experience for me and Corey loved what he saw. We definitely have to go back as the 3 hours we spent walking around didn't quite allow us to cover enough ground! Check out the album below to see some of the pictures we took!
Washington D.C. 11.10.07

Saturday night we took the metro to Bethesda, MD to visit Mark and Lindsey Roschewski, we had a great time visiting with them. Thanks for showing us around!

Yesterday was Veterans Day. Please remember the Veterans and all who serve our country!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

IT'S A BOY!!!!

Woo hoo, yee haw, wow eee!!!!!!!!!!! We are so happy to share that we are having a boy!

We are at 19 weeks right now and according to the ultrasound our baby boy is looking healthy and weighs approximately 10oz.

Click on the album to the right to see a few of today's ultrasound pictures! I apologize for the quality...they are pictures of pictures.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Huskers Need Your Help!!!


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween Pictures

Ryah and Riece, my nieces!
A kitty and a worm!Below are our favorite trick or treaters, Jesus and his Homey!
I didn't count so I can't be sure but I am certain we had around 100 kids come to our house. We ended up sitting out on our front step with the candy since the stream of kids was so steady. We sat outside for 2 hours then we started giving handfuls of candy away to get rid of it then went inside and shut the light off!

Liston and Laila got orange and white checkered bandanas at the groomers, not exactly a costume, but festive!