Thursday, January 24, 2008

30 Weeks & We've got a name!!!

It's true, we do have a name but we aren't sharing it right now. I know how ANNOYING this can be but these are my husband's wishes and I will happily go along! The main reason we aren't sharing is because there are still 10 weeks to go and there is a chance that we could change the name! I'm just happy we've agreed on one!

We're at the 30 week mark and everything is going well...despite the Gestational Diabetes. I've been doing the sugar tests after every meal and my #'s are great! I really didn't have to change my diet too much, I just have to spread out the carbs throughout the day versus large amounts at once. It's completely manageable although I find myself obsessing over foods I shouldn't eat (foods that I didn't even eat prior to the whole GD thing.) I guess it's the "you want what you can't have" scenario! My doctor's visit went well today, my blood pressure was good, I gained 2 pounds and the baby's heartbeat was great!

We're really getting anxious to meet this little guy, but we still have a lot to do before his arrival.

We're moving to our new house tomorrow and we're really looking forward to getting in and getting settled! We hired movers so no lifting, just pointing for me!

Friday, January 18, 2008

29 Weeks and Gestational Diabetes

Week 29 is here and the big news this week is that I have gestational diabetes. All other reports from the doctor were good except for that...My blood pressure was good, I didn't gain any weight, the baby's heart beat was good and I am measuring right at 29 weeks. I was concerned that I had done something to make this happen but my doctor reassured me that there was nothing that I could have done to create gestational diabetes, she said some people are just unlucky! I always try to look on the bright side and in this case that includes: more ultrasounds and not delivering past my due date.

As of now, I have to do the "finger prick" four times a day and will also have to be very strict with my diet. Hopefully I can avoid insulin shots!

Our trip to NYC was great! We hung out with great friends, did a little shopping and ate at some of our favorite spots (Gramercy Tavern-LOVE IT). We stayed with Sandra, Gerard and Zach but were able to see Cara and Chris, Ayesha and Don and Casey! Thanks for a great time!!!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

28 Weeks

I am having one of my restless nights and to pass the time quietly I thought I'd update my blog. We are at 28 weeks now and getting closer and closer to meeting our little boy! By this week, our baby weighs approximately two and a quarter pounds and measures around 15 inches from the top of his head to his heels. He can blink his eyes, which now sport lashes.

We are heading to NYC this afternoon for the weekend! We are both looking forward to visiting our old stomping grounds. We'll be staying with Sandra, Gerard and Zach at our old apartment building and we'll be visiting some of our favorite restaurants and places to shop!! I'll post pictures when I return.

We hired painters this week and they started working. We are getting closer to moving in to our new place...the date is set for January 28th. When we took the wallpaper off the walls we discovered a little piece of history (unfortunately it is being wiped away, but I took a picture.)

Just in case you are unable to read the's from 1903.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Christmas & New Years with the Rothrocks in FL!

We spent New Years in FL with the Rothrocks this year and had a great time! We enjoyed time with the family and were even able to meet up with a couple of friends. Check out the album below for some of the pictures from the visit. I'll add more when I get them (fishing, Blue Man group...)

27 Weeks & 3rd Trimester

We made it to the third trimester! We are now at 27 weeks and are very excited to be in the final third of the pregnancy! We are anxious to meet this little boy. Baby Rothrock has been very active, I'm still amazed every time I feel him move! I went to the doctor this past week and found out that I gained 12 lbs. since my last visit! YIKES!!! No concern though, the doctor said I was looking good, measuring good and my blood pressure was good too! Baby's heartbeat was good also! ALL IS GOOD!

Many of you have asked if we have a name yet and the answer is NO! We pretty much talk about it daily but haven't been able to nail it down yet.

We ordered our nursery furniture yesterday...some of it anyway! My stepdad Steve has very graciously offered to make our crib and cradle! We are looking forward to all of that arriving.

I know we have a little time left before the baby gets here but with everything going on (travel, new house, life) time just seems to keep slipping away!!!