Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm still here...

It has been an entire month since my last post, and I apologize to those of you looking for pictures! I took a blogging hiatus and I can't guarantee there won't be another one, but for now I will catch you all up a bit. I tell you is exhausting chasing a 7 month old who doesn't nap, while being pregnant!

Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know, we are expecting another baby! We are soooooo excited and look forward to having two little one's so close in age. You might be thinking we are crazy and we very well may be, but we're delighted!!!! I am 10 weeks right now and pray all continues to go well!

The first album below is from our trip to NE for a Husker game and to see family and friends. We forgot our camera but thankfully Grandma had hers. Despite the Huskers losing we had a great trip. My mom, sister and nieces made the drive from MN to watch Beckett while we were at the game. Corey's mom also drove to Omaha on Friday night to hang out. We saw lots of friends and were happily able to meet Beckett's newest girlfriend Brooklyn Patton. Congrats Kris and Bob!

The second album is from the weekend of the Saint James Court Art Show that took place in our front yard and beyond. My mom, aunt, sister and nieces flew here for the big event and we had a blast. The festival has more that 750 booths which took us 3 days to get to but I think we saw most of them.

The last album is from our visit to Huber Farms. Beckett was too little to enjoy most of the kiddie activities but it was still fun and we got some cute pictures. We tried really hard to get Beckett to look at the camera but as you can see our many attempts we no good.

I guess that's it for now. Post a comment, I'd love to hear from you!