Friday, December 12, 2008


We just happened to be at the mall and there wasn't anyone in line, so we jumped in to see Santa. Beckett was a bit pouty faced at first but managed to snuggle in to Santa and crack a 1/2 smile.

KC Trip

Beckett and I visited KC a week ago to see friends! We stayed with Mandy and Cash and had a great time! Mona visited one night and we even had a play date with Aubrey and Eddie! Check out the album below for pictures.

Thanks for your gracious hospitality Lewandowski's!!!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Card Photos

We had a great time today taking pictures for our Christmas card! Check out the album below with some of the pictures we didn't use.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Grandma's Photo Shoot

My mom stayed with Beckett while we were in London and although I think she is still exhausted from chasing our little boy around they had a lot of fun! Check out the album below to see a small sample of the many pictures she took while she was here.

Thank you soooo much, Mom, for making the trip and staying with Beckett while we were gone. It was hard enough to leave him for the first time but knowing he was safe and happy with you made it a lot easier!


Last week Corey and I went to London for a conference. We took in lots of the "classic" London sights and even got to see our friend Maria. Unfortunately we didn't take too many pictures but I'd like to share a few of the one's we did take. There aren't any pictures of our visit to Notting Hill and Portobello Market but I think we did at least get one picture from all our other stops. Click on the picture below to see the album.

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Ok, so maybe I've turned in to a monthly blogger! Who knows!!?? You all deserve much more but for now I am only going to post a couple of picture albums (after all, I believe pictures are the only thing you really want to see.)

Paul, Carrie, Gavin and Maven along with Amanda were here last weekend. We had a great time! The first album is from Halloween and the second is a random collection of pictures from the whole weekend! Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm still here...

It has been an entire month since my last post, and I apologize to those of you looking for pictures! I took a blogging hiatus and I can't guarantee there won't be another one, but for now I will catch you all up a bit. I tell you is exhausting chasing a 7 month old who doesn't nap, while being pregnant!

Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know, we are expecting another baby! We are soooooo excited and look forward to having two little one's so close in age. You might be thinking we are crazy and we very well may be, but we're delighted!!!! I am 10 weeks right now and pray all continues to go well!

The first album below is from our trip to NE for a Husker game and to see family and friends. We forgot our camera but thankfully Grandma had hers. Despite the Huskers losing we had a great trip. My mom, sister and nieces made the drive from MN to watch Beckett while we were at the game. Corey's mom also drove to Omaha on Friday night to hang out. We saw lots of friends and were happily able to meet Beckett's newest girlfriend Brooklyn Patton. Congrats Kris and Bob!

The second album is from the weekend of the Saint James Court Art Show that took place in our front yard and beyond. My mom, aunt, sister and nieces flew here for the big event and we had a blast. The festival has more that 750 booths which took us 3 days to get to but I think we saw most of them.

The last album is from our visit to Huber Farms. Beckett was too little to enjoy most of the kiddie activities but it was still fun and we got some cute pictures. We tried really hard to get Beckett to look at the camera but as you can see our many attempts we no good.

I guess that's it for now. Post a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

Friday, September 12, 2008

6 Months Old

I can not believe our little baby is 6 months old already! Beckett has brought so much joy to our lives, we love him so much and are so happy each day we spend with him. As I always state, time flies and Beckett grows and changes before our eyes. I try each day to cherish the time with him and to appreciate all the little things as well as the big things. I love being Beckett's MOM.

Beckett is very close to sitting up all on his own. He's pretty wobbly yet but he'll get it before we know it, then he'll be crawling. YIKES!!! Below is one picture taken on Beckett's birth day and another taken on September 7th (6 months since Beckett's birth.)

The Lewandowski Family Visits Louisville

Jeff, Mandy and Cash Lewandowski spent some quality time with us this past week. Jeff was only able to stay Friday thru Sunday but Mandy and Cash stayed until Thursday. We had sooo much fun. Cash is 3 1/2 months old now, I can't believe how much he's grown since we first met him on his birth day. It will be fun to watch these two boys grow together. Thanks for visiting!!! We miss you and want you to come back soon!

Check out the album below. I'm sure the boys will express their dissatisfaction with our choice of apparel at some point, but until then..."bikini's" it is.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Hayes Family Visits KY

Last weekend Mike, Ashley, Jacob, Jackson, Maggie and Millie made the drive from Greensboro, NC to Louisville to see us. Thank you so much for visiting, we had a great time and miss you tons already!! We did a lot of "hanging out" but we also went to the zoo and the pool. Check out the album below for pictures from the zoo and the boys in their Husker gear as well as some other randoms!

Kevin and Trudy also made a pit stop in Louisville on their trip from Florida to Colorado. Kevin graduated and the whole family is back together again! Congrats Kevin!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Pictures

Check out Beckett's latest photos taken in the studio.

Click on the link below:

Click on "enter site" then you have to choose how to view it

on the right hand side, click on "clients"

enter the password "rothrockt" click submit and ENJOY!

...seriously, how will we choose.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fun in August

We are having a really fun month, not only have we been traveling and seeing lots of friends and family, but Beckett is growing and changing a lot! We are so blessed and are still amazed daily that we have this wonderful little boy. Beckett is rolling over constantly, he loves his veggies, he's really in to his toys, loves swimming , standing and watching t.v. (we aren't promoting it, but if it's on, he's very interested.) Check out the album below to see some of the things we have been up to around the house. There are also a few pictures of Liston and Laila...I know I don't mention them too much but don't worry, they are still our first babies and we all love them around us. Beckett loves the kisses he gets and he really likes to keep an eye on them. Liston has been on thyroid meds and has lost 10 lbs. (she's gained a few years too it seems, she still gives Laila a run for her money.) I'll be adding more pictures throughout the month so keep checking in...and leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you all.

NYC Trip

Corey, Beckett and I had a great trip to NYC this past weekend. We finally got to meet a couple of our friend's new babies (Connor and Samuel.) Click on the picture below to see the album.
As you may have noticed, Beckett has found his lower lip (I'm not sure I was even able to get a picture of him where he's not sucking on it, too funny.)

Class Reunion Weekend

The picture below is of all the classmates who attended our class reunion. I believe there were 26 out of 49. We had a great time! I really hope all 49 make it to the next one!

I also added more pictures to the July album! The Saturday of the reunion my sister, Ryah, Riece, Jen, Maggie, Carrie, Gavin, Mona, my mom, aunt, grandpa and Pauly joined Beckett and I for a pool party. Click on the picture below to see the pictures. The other pictures are of Beckett and I having lunch with family!

Friday, August 1, 2008

July was a really bad blogging month!!!

July was a great month for us!! Beckett was baptized, it was my birthday, we traveled to FL to see friends and family and MN for my 15 year class reunion and we had visitors. We also had painters here and got new carpet installed, so I guess my excuse for a bad blogging month is because of all the above.

July was a big month for Beckett.

While in MN Beckett mastered his rolling technique. He's been rolling from his front to back for a while now but he finally figured how to roll from his back to front. I caught part of his second attempt at it.

Beckett also started eating rice cereal in July. He wasn't to fond of it at first but he likes it now.

Lastly, Beckett started using a play center/bouncer thingy and loves it! I can't believe our little baby is doing all of these things now, he'll be 5 months old next week! Where does the time go?

Click on the album below for a few pictures. There will be more to follow from the weekend in MN (I was terrible at taking pictures and am waiting to get everyone else's.)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We had such a great trip to Orlando last week/weekend. We flew in Thursday and returned on Sunday. We were able to hook up with some of the "old gang" and were also able to see the Rothrock's once more before they move.

It was soooooo good to see you all, we only wish we were there longer to spend more time with each of you!

Check out the picture album below. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures on Thursday night. "What was I thinking?????"

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Eventful Weekend!

This past weekend was quite eventful. Not only was it the 4th of July, but Beckett was baptized. Our families from MN, NE and FL were here to celebrate! We had a wonderful time. Check out the album below to see some of the pictures from the weekend! Thank you so much for making the trip we are truly grateful that you were here for this blessed event!

In other news...Beckett turned 4 months old on the 7th. I know I've said this before, but I am constantly amazed how much he grows and changes each day. He is smiling constantly and giggling a bit too (it is so darn cute, we've been trying to capture it on video, but it's a bit difficult.) He rolls over from his stomach to his back, grabs everything and drools a lot. He loves sitting up to observe everything around him and loves standing. His hands must be pretty tasty because they are always in his mouth and he's sleeping 8-9 hours a night (AMEN). We will start feeding Beckett rice cereal tomorrow and I'm sure there will be some wonderful pictures to post after that.

We are heading to Orlando on Thursday to see family and friends, we can't wait!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Beckett and Jewell

Beckett's friend Jewel has been here a couple of times the past two weeks. Below are a couple of photos of the two of them playing!

We're anxiously waiting for family to arrive at the end of the week for Beckett's Baptism (more pictures after this weekend.)

Monday, June 16, 2008

Family Vacation

Corey, Beckett and I had a great vacation last week! We started the vacation by spending a night at the Biltmore Inn on the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC! We had heard many wonderful things about the place and have wanted to visit for some time. Everything we heard was true, what a spectacular place. It was really hot, but we managed to see a lot. Visitors aren't permitted to take pictures inside the house, so you will definitely have to take a trip there yourselves, it's worth it! Amazing! Check out the album below to see some of the pictures.

We spent the rest of the vacation on Kiawah Island off of Charleston, SC. We stayed at The Sanctuary. The resort was beautiful and the service was phenomenal. Corey golfed 3 days while Beckett and I enjoyed walks around the resort, the ocean and hanging out. I was even able to visit the spa and Beckett went swimming for the first time. We all had a great time!!! Check out the album below for more pictures.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Gotta do what you've gotta do...

We went on a mini road trip last week and instead of using the disgusting public restroom we chose the trunk!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Just for you GMA and GPA Benson

Supporting all Nascar and Earnhardt fans out there, especially Grandma and Grandpa Benson!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Road trip to NE

Last Friday we left KY and headed for NE. We drove to KC to spend the night with friends then headed to NE on Saturday. We were surprised by the birth of Cash Lewandowski while in KC and were able to meet him a few short hours after he arrived. Congrats Lewandowskis!! Saturday we drove to Davenport, NE for a Rothrock family reunion and Memorial Day gathering. It was great to see family, some of which I met for the first time. Sunday we had breakfast with the Redlines then headed to Omaha to see more friends. Monday we headed back to KC for the night and then carried on back to KY on Tuesday! We had sooooooooo much fun seeing family and friends!!!!! We only wish we had a little more time as we weren't able to see everyone!

Check out the album below to see a few of the pictures from the Memorial Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We did it!!! We actually did it!!!

Prior to having Beckett, I can't tell you the # of people who said "You better go to the movie now because after you give birth you'll never go again." Well, the experience was definitely different, of course everything is different now that we have a baby (all GREAT), but the point is, we did it! We saw What Happens In Vegas, it was a cute flick but I'd probably recommend it as a renter.

Now, that being said, I'm not so sure we'll do it again! It is really freakin' loud in the theatre!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Golfing with Daddy

Corey and I joined a country club this past week and on Sunday we took advantage of the beautiful day! Corey golfed and Beckett and I went along for the ride!

Everyone has one...

...well most of the people I know with babies do. It's the BUMBO. I know it's not recommended to use til 3 months of age but we gave it a shot a couple weeks early!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Very Happy Mother's Day!

What an amazing gift to be a MOM!!!

I hope all you moms out there had an amazing day with your kids!!!!

I love you mom!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ahhhh Sushi!

I don't know what took me so long, but finally after 44 weeks away from sushi we were reunited!!! Mmmmm.

2 Months Old

Beckett was 2 months old yesterday! Shots at the doctor weren't fun, other than that we had a great day! Beckett is 10 lbs. 14 oz.!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where have I been???

I'm going to cram several events in to one blog even though they all deserve their own spotlight.

Two weekends ago my parents drove to KY to deliver Beckett's crib and cradle! They are both beautiful!!! Thank you so much!

On that same weekend Corey ran in the Derby 1/2 marathon! Congrats on finishing, we're very proud of you! It was chilly that day, Beckett was only able to watch with one eye!

Last week/weekend the Officers were in town and the Rothrocks were here for the Derby! We all had a wonderful time. Corey and Kevin were the only one's to attend the actual Derby, the rest of us enjoyed the races on the Thursday prior. Thanks for visiting!

Click on the picture below to see the entire album!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Quick trip to MN

Last weekend Corey, Beckett and I flew to MN to surprise my mom for her Surprise 50th birthday party! We had a great time and Beckett got to meet the rest of his family. Beckett was a perfect travel companion, he slept the entire way to MN and the entire way back! Everyone in the airport decided to tell us to enjoy his sleeping now because in a few short months he won't be so easy to travel with. I just love that EVERYONE feels the need to share their stories. It used to be pregnancy stories, now it's baby stories.

Check out the album below. There are a few pictures of the weekend and I'll add more as I get them from my mom and sister.

MN Trip