Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Road trip to NE

Last Friday we left KY and headed for NE. We drove to KC to spend the night with friends then headed to NE on Saturday. We were surprised by the birth of Cash Lewandowski while in KC and were able to meet him a few short hours after he arrived. Congrats Lewandowskis!! Saturday we drove to Davenport, NE for a Rothrock family reunion and Memorial Day gathering. It was great to see family, some of which I met for the first time. Sunday we had breakfast with the Redlines then headed to Omaha to see more friends. Monday we headed back to KC for the night and then carried on back to KY on Tuesday! We had sooooooooo much fun seeing family and friends!!!!! We only wish we had a little more time as we weren't able to see everyone!

Check out the album below to see a few of the pictures from the Memorial Day weekend!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

We did it!!! We actually did it!!!

Prior to having Beckett, I can't tell you the # of people who said "You better go to the movie now because after you give birth you'll never go again." Well, the experience was definitely different, of course everything is different now that we have a baby (all GREAT), but the point is, we did it! We saw What Happens In Vegas, it was a cute flick but I'd probably recommend it as a renter.

Now, that being said, I'm not so sure we'll do it again! It is really freakin' loud in the theatre!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Golfing with Daddy

Corey and I joined a country club this past week and on Sunday we took advantage of the beautiful day! Corey golfed and Beckett and I went along for the ride!

Everyone has one...

...well most of the people I know with babies do. It's the BUMBO. I know it's not recommended to use til 3 months of age but we gave it a shot a couple weeks early!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A Very Happy Mother's Day!

What an amazing gift to be a MOM!!!

I hope all you moms out there had an amazing day with your kids!!!!

I love you mom!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Ahhhh Sushi!

I don't know what took me so long, but finally after 44 weeks away from sushi we were reunited!!! Mmmmm.

2 Months Old

Beckett was 2 months old yesterday! Shots at the doctor weren't fun, other than that we had a great day! Beckett is 10 lbs. 14 oz.!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Where have I been???

I'm going to cram several events in to one blog even though they all deserve their own spotlight.

Two weekends ago my parents drove to KY to deliver Beckett's crib and cradle! They are both beautiful!!! Thank you so much!

On that same weekend Corey ran in the Derby 1/2 marathon! Congrats on finishing, we're very proud of you! It was chilly that day, Beckett was only able to watch with one eye!

Last week/weekend the Officers were in town and the Rothrocks were here for the Derby! We all had a wonderful time. Corey and Kevin were the only one's to attend the actual Derby, the rest of us enjoyed the races on the Thursday prior. Thanks for visiting!

Click on the picture below to see the entire album!